Sister Regina Pacis Meservey
Born to Life
September 19, 1938
Chicago, Illinois
June 21, 1965
Born to Eternal Life
June 9, 2021
Sacred Heart
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Mt. Olivet Cemetery
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
On a beautiful Fall day in September, the 19th to be exact, in 1938, a baby girl was born--Sandra Ann--the first child of Jerome and Sarah Meservey on the north side of Chicago, IL . In 1940,the family welcomed Jerome (Jerry) and in 1945 a second brother, Michael (Mike) completed the family. Sandra and her brothers grew up attending Our Lady of Mercy grade school. Upon graduation, she went on to Alvernia High School staffed by the School Sisters of St. Francis. She was a good student and during these years the seeds of a vocation began to grow. After graduating in1956 - along with a group of classmates - she entered St. Joseph Convent, Milwaukee, on September 8, 1956.
After a year in formation as a postulant, reception day arrived, August 12, 1957. At reception she received the habit, a white veil and a new name, Sister Regina Pacis. In her own words, Sister Regina Pacis said: “For me 1957 was the beginning of a fantastic journey.” At the same time, she began her education at Alverno College preparing her for years of teaching high school at St. Joseph High School in Kenosha, St. Gregory and JFK Prep in St. Nazianz and Pius XI in Milwaukee. These years she learned many things about herself namely that she could coordinate the publication of award-winning yearbooks, choreograph musicals and even be principal. During these years and summers she was working on a Master’s Degree in Theology from Marquette.
After 1973, her ministry focus changed to Religious Education for young people in Grades 6—12 at Our Lady of Lourdes Parish. Here in addition to nurturing the faith of these young people, she survived several camping and canoe trips and even learned to down-hill ski.
In 1981 she became the principal of St. Mary High School in Burlington, Wisconsin. During the next five years, she and the faculty completed a self-study which led to the centralization process which involved 13 surrounding parishes in 1983.
In 1986, as Director of Religious Education at Nativity of Mary Parish in Janesville, Wisconsin she ministered to all age groups. In 1991 she began her ministry with the board members and staffs of the Sponsored Ministries of the School Sisters of St. Francis across the country in education, health care and social justice. She retired from this work in 2015. Using Sister Regina’s own words: “My fantastic journey begun in 1957 is filled with wonderful memories. I moved between high school classrooms and parish youth ministry programs before settling down for the past 15+ years to collaborate with the boards and staffs of the School Sisters’ Sponsored Ministries in education, health care and social justice.” Sister Regina Pacis’ life was very fulfilling. She always thanked God for her many gifts and blessings and knew that she met her many challenges because of all the excellent people with whom she ministered and shared life. She was always very involved in community events as a volunteer or committee member.
At her 50th Jubilee she said the following: “I am grateful to all who have accompanied me on my journey these past 50 years. You have modeled for me how to live and how not to live. Your friendship, love and encouragement, and confidence have held me tenderly and nudged me gently.”
I bless and thank you from the depths of my heart for your strength, forgiveness and compassion which I have tried to imitate.
I pray that my “God of too much giving” may strengthen our hearts to love as we‘are loved, help us to be grateful for our many blessings and talents, encourage us to be generous in serving those in need, and bless all our days and our deeds with peace. https://www.sssf.org/SSSF/Media-Room/In-Memoriam/In-Memoriam/Sister-Regina-Pacis-Meservey.htm