Sister Mary Celine Stein FSSC
May 7, 1923 - March 13, 2020
Age ninety-six, died peacefully at her convent home having completed eighty-four years in the service of God. As a teenager, Sister entered the Franciscan Sisters of Millvale, PA and spent nine years as a missionary in Puerto Rico. To complete her education, Sister came to Milwaukee, graduated from Alverno College and Marquette University with a degree in Psychology and Counseling, and began a nineteen-year career as a counselor at St. Joseph High School in Kenosha. Sister was the foundress of the Franciscan Sisters of St. Clare including a Lay Association affiliated with the community. She was also the developer of Clare Meadows of Franklin Senior Campus and Saint Clare Terrace Assisted Living. Sister Celine became the spiritual sponsor of other retirement communities in Milwaukee, Greenfield and Delafield, always with the sole desire of ministering to the homebound and the elderly. Sister is survived by two cousins, Donald Cardinal Wuerl of Washington, DC and Reverend Donald Breier of Pittsburg.
"Well done, good and faithful servant!"