Please consider becoming a sponsor of the fish fry.
Congratulations to SJCA Co-Valedictorians and Salutatorian
Is your Class in the NEW TOP TEN? Class of '68 continues to lead, with the Class of '69 now in third place. Class of '72 is now tied with Class of '64 for 4th place and the Class of '67 is holding steady in 2nd place.
It's so easy to join and lets us continue to maintain the Alumni website and Facebook page, help with reunions and special projects and of course award scholaships!
Thank you to our 46 New Alumni Association Members in 2023
Please see the Donate to St Joe's link on the left to find out all of the details regarding the Faith to Grow Campaign.
Are you a member of the St. Joseph Alumni Association Facebook Group? Do you enjoy reading the news and seeing the pictures that are posted daily? Do you visit the Alumni Association website?
Well, if you answered “yes” to any of these questions, you should know that all this activity and information is brought to you through the efforts of the Alumni Association and the SJCA Alumni Advancement Coordinator. All of this takes time and resources.
In order for us to keep this activity going, we need your help.
Please consider becoming a Lifetime Member of the Alumni Association for a onetime fee of $100.
If we can grow the Association, we will be able to continue these activities as well as provide additional support to the alumni and the school.